acid conversion 酸转化
phytic acid conversion coating 植酸转化膜
acid-base chemical conversion 酸碱转化
conversion of folic acid 叶酸的转化
sulfuric acid production conversion system 硫酸生产
conversion of oxalie acid 草酸转化
conversion of gallic acid 没食子酸转化率
conversion of acrylic acid 丙烯酸的转化率
Thus, there was a 50% conversion of cyclohexane to adipic acid in a single step oxidation, which represented the best result from this present study.
因此,有50 %的转换环己烷合成己二酸在一个单一的步骤氧化,这是最好的结果从本研究。
Although human can convert alpha-linolenic acid(ALA)to EPA and DHA, the conversion rate is so low, you need eat a lot of food contain ALA, that's make it impractical.
虽然人体可以自动将 α-亚麻酸(ALA) 转换成 二十碳五烯酸(EPA) 和 二十二碳六烯酸(DHA) ,但转换率很低,人们需要食用大量含有 α-亚麻酸(ALA) 的食品才行,这种做法可行性不高。
Aconitase 2 (ACO2) catalyzes the conversion of citrate to isocitrate via cis-aconitate in the second step of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle (1, 2).
顺乌头酸酶2 (ACO2)在三羧酸循环第二步骤中催化从柠檬酸经顺乌头酸生成异柠檬酸的异构化(1,2)。