...Action to this end includes: awarding scholarships; distributing textbooks, educational materials, school supplies, uniforms and school meals ; making the school day and the school calendar more flexible to enable girls to attend and stay in school; emphasizing in training days and at meetings of teachers' circles the importance and benefits of girls' retention and advancement in school; identifying schools where there is a growing demand for places for girls in order to provide adequate teacher coverage; and appointing bilingual schoolteachers in areas with a monolingual or bilingual indigenous population 要做到这一点需要通过开展一些活动,例如发放奖学金、学费和学习用具、制服,修缮学校,使校历和上课日灵活化,以便女孩可以到学校上课并且呆得住;把留住女孩和使她们升...