active volume 有效体积 ; 有效容积 ; [电] 活动容量
the active volume 有源区体积
fractional active volume 电离占空比
active absorption volume 有限吸收容积
active pit volume 泥浆槽容器
active partition or volume 活动分区或卷
active mass storage volume 活动海量存储卷
active finesnap volume 活动高精度快照卷
thermally active mold volume 热流活动与模型数量
You can query this subsystem to determine the active enhanced concurrent volume groups.
This also makes the volume group active and updates the new LPAR with details of file systems associated with the logical volumes.
这样还可以激活卷组,并用逻辑卷组相关联的文件系统的细节信息来更新新的 LPAR。
The volume group is shown as None, and the volume group status doesn't display as active.