...6 年在《医生—病人关系的基本模型》中提 出来的,他们将医患关系分为三种基本模式: 1.主动—被动模式(active-passive mode) 这种模式的特点是医 生完全主动,处于权威地位,病人仅仅是医疗活动的被动接受者。
active-passive mode-locked 主被动锁模
active-passive mode-lock 主被动锁模
active-passive mode-locking 主被动锁模
active passive mode locking 主被动锁模
active-passive mode locking 主被动锁模
active-passive mode-locked laser 激光器主被动锁
reproducible active-passive mode-locked oscillator 再生式主动
passive active mode 有源无源方式
Terracotta server cluster can be configured to run in ACTIVE-PASSIVE mode.
The dye laser pulse has been synchronized with the iodine laser pulse by a combination of active-passive mode-locking.
In this mode, one server runs in ACTIVE mode servicing requests from the clients and one or more servers run in PASSIVE mode acting as a hot standby for the ACTIVE server in case of a failure.