咨询师给妈妈讲了先天气质中普遍包含的六个维度: 活动水平 (Activity level) 有些孩子天生活动水平低。 2个月大:大人帮忙穿衣服和睡觉的时候都很少动。
activity level vector [计] 活动水平向量
physical activity level 体力活动水平 ; 活动水平 ; 活动量 ; 身体活动水平
daily activity level 日常活动等级
lightning activity level 闪电活动度
Market Activity Level 市场活跃程度 ; 市场活动水平
background activity level 本底放射性水平 ; 释义本底放射性水平 ; 本底活度水平
relative activity level [劳经] 相对作业水准
optimal activity level [经管] 最佳作业水准
Increasing your activity level will give you useful things.
Their yawning seems to have nothing to do with sleepiness or boredom—quite the reverse—but it does precede a change in activity level.
The empirical evidence, such as it is, suggests an altogether different function for yawning—namely, that yawning prepares us for a change in activity level.
They answered questions about their level of physical activity as teenagers and at age thirty, fifty and late in life.
VOA: special.2010.07.07
And so I was collecting from friends and colleagues' computers all sorts of logs that monitored the kind of low level activity that was happening on their computer.
And so you can imagine that even in its— with all of this activity on your skin, even at its most--least serious level, it's a terrible disease.