the activity of water 活性保水剂
activity of water absorption 吸水活性
modeling of activity of water 水的活度的计算式
specific activity of water sample 水样比活性
water activity of fish products 水产品水分活度
relative activity of soil water 壤中水相对活动性
instrument of water activity 水分活度仪
Water activity of fresh foods 鲜鲜食物的水分活度
Inert gases form clathrate hydrates when dissolved in water, astrict the activity of water molecule, prolong the store of fruits and vegetables.
Conversely, in looking for the pathological cause of these murals, it is definitely important to closely follow the trail of the activity of water.
They occur primarily in regions of recent volcanic activity as hot, dry rock; natural hot water; or natural steam.