adaptive immunity [免疫] 适应性免疫 ; 获得性免疫 ; 继承免疫性 ; 继承性免疫
innate and adaptive immunity 性免疫
Specific or adaptive immunity 特异性或获得性免疫
acquired or adaptive immunity 获得性免疫
Antigen and Adaptive immunity 获得性免疫
Innate Immunity and Adaptive Immunity 第二节
The evolution of adaptive immunity 第十六章获得性免疫的演化
adaptive or acquired immunity 获得性免疫
adaptive e immunity 适应性免疫
Steinman proved that dendritic cells activate t cells, a class of white blood cells that are important in adaptive immunity.
Whereas adaptive immunity is thought to be a response to specific bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, innate immunity has always been seen as the body's general response to all threats of disease.
Can the braking circuit also moderate adaptive immunity (which first appeared with fishes), so as to avoid autoimmune responses?