...待定 现场抽题,短时准备,要求结合所学的全部的技能技巧 五、培训课程的开发与设计 1) 课程开发的原则及核心要素(ADDI) 2) 培训课程开发的基本思路与关键步骤 a) 培训需求的分析与确认 b) 确认培训的多维度目标 c) 内容收集...
addi ulttoinjury 伤害之余又侮辱
ADDI-DATA 记录仪 ; 线缆
Oh Addi 哦阿迪
addi ugri 阿第乌格里
Whatever Addi 无论阿迪
Goodnight Addi 晚安阿迪
Urumqi Xinyazheng Food Addi 乌鲁木齐新亚正食品添加剂有限公司
以上来源于: WordNet
The disclosure of relevant information is made by addi...
In a test the machine was shown to have high threshing performance and low grain-hulling rate; however, the rate of impurity was high. Addi...
On the basis of assuring the video image quality, the system can gain good compression ratio and meet the need of video communication and transmission. In addi…