...因作用积累之后,可以形成一个 明显的表型效应,称为累加效应(additive effect),所以这些基因也称 累加基因(additive gene),这些基因相互之间没有显隐性之分,也就 是说是共显的。
... 累加性回馈抑制 cumulative feedback inhibition 累加性基因 additive gene;cumulative gene 累加性选种 cumulative selection ...
additive gene action 基因加性作用 ; 累加基因作用
additive gene effects 份估价了累加基因效应
additive gene effect 累加基因效应 ; 加性基因效应
non-additive gene action 非累加性基因作用 ; 非加性基因作用
additive gene-action locus 附加基因作用位点
non additive gene 非加性效应
effects of additive gene 加性基因效应
Milling and appearance quality of hybrid rice were mainly influenced by the additive gene.
The line Jiao 51 was found with high GCA and higher non-additive gene effect in the hybrids in which Jiao 51 was a parent. Therefore, Jiao 51 was an elite line.
The results showed that the heredity of quality characters was induced mainly by additive gene effects. The changes in brix, PR, Pol and SC were affected by male parents.
结果表明,品质性状的遗传主要由 基因加性效应引起,其中蔗汁锤度、旋光读数、转光度、蔗汁蔗糖分主要由父本 基因加性效应引起。