... serum protein - 血清蛋白; 血清蛋白质;血清蛋 adenylyl - 腺苷 clinical microbiology - 临床微生物学 ...
adenylyl cyclase 腺苷酸环化酶 ; 环化酶 ; 酸环化 ; 腺苷环化酶
Adenylyl Cyclases 腺苷酸环化酶
adenylyl- 腺苷酰
adenylyl enzyme 腺苷酰酶
adenylyl sulfate 腺苷酰硫酸
adenylyl transferase 腺苷酰转移酶
soluble adenylyl cclase 溶性腺苷酸环化酶
adenylyl phosphate cytidine 腺苷酰磷酸胞苷
Forskolin (1.0μmol/L), a directly activator of adenylyl cyclase stronglyinhibited ANP secretion (p<0.01)concomitantly with increased in atrial strokevolume and cAMP efflux (p<0.01), as well in a certain range the more production of cAMP the more inhibition of ANP secretion, and therelationship between cAMP production and ANP secretion showed inverseratio (Y=-5.268 X+9.506, r~2=0.971, P<0.001).7.
6.腺苷酸环化酶的直接激活剂forskolin(1.0μmol/L)明显抑制ANP分泌(p<0.01)的同时显著增加心房搏出量(p<0.01)和cAMP逸出量(p<0.01),且在一定范围内,cAMP的生成与ANP分泌的抑制效应呈负相关(Y=-5.268 X+9.506,r~2=0.971,p<0.001)。
参考来源 - PACAP27对ANP分泌的影响及其机制研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress