In the period of Beiyang Government more traditional marriage mode had been adopted. But the Nanjing national government introduced the theory of Liberty and Equality into the Marriage Law under the conflict between indigenous and adopted law.
参考来源 - 从典型案例析民国婚姻法制演变·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Adopted in 1789, possibly to target pirates, the statute allows for civil actions by aliens for wrongful ACTS "committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States".
But some law experts say that now we still have not adopted that standard.Rather, we still stick to heartbeat standard to judge death presently, so Wen should be punished.
But some law experts say that now we still have not adopted that standard. Rather, we still stick to heartbeat standard to judge death presently, so Wen should be punished.