两个四十英亩大的校园拥有著最先进的设备,提供18门AP课程(Advanced Placement courses),大部份美国前百大,需要有AP成绩 毕业后能进入声誉极佳的美国大学或学院就读
Many are taking two or three advanced-placement courses, playing sports and spending time on after-school activities.
Our flexible curriculum, which includes 25 AP (Advanced Placement) courses, exceeds college requirements and makes us stand out from other independent schools across the state and the nation.
灵活的课程, 包括25门AP课程, 超出了大学基本要求, 使我们在全美学校中独树一帜。
We offer Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses in almost every subject area, including the arts.
包括艺术在内, 几乎每门课都设有荣誉课程和AP课程。