Advanced Technology & materials 安泰科技股份有限公司
Advanced Technology & Materials Co 安泰科技股份有限公司 ; 安泰科技论坛
Advanced Materials Technology 先进的材料技术
Advanced Materials Technology Centre 先进材料技术中心
Advanced Vehicle Materials Technology 高级汽车材料技术
Advanced Materials for High Technology 高技术新材料
Advanced Nano-Materials Surface Engineering Technology 先进纳米表面工程技术
And satellite technology has also improved: Autonomous computer systems as well as advanced, lightweight building materials have also made leaps and bounds.
But the technology has potential to power nano-sized devices, Wang says in a paper on the results published in the journal Advanced Materials.
We will energetically increase imports with the focus on advanced technology and equipment important raw materials and key spare parts and components.