... triangulation point 三角测点,三角点... aerial triangulation 航空三角测量,空中三... triangulation signal 三角测量标志...
文章详细信息 关键词: 空三加密;;影像金字塔;;同名像点 [gap=300]Keywords: aerial triangulation,image pyramid,corresponding image point
strip aerial triangulation [测] 航带法空中三角测量
bundle aerial triangulation [测] 光束法空中三角测量
block aerial triangulation 区域网空中三角测量
Automatic aerial triangulation 自动空中三角测量
aerial triangulation block 空中三角网区
aerial triangulation surveying 空中三角测量
analytic aerial triangulation 解析航空三角测量
Traditionally, the geocoding or georeferencing is solved indirectly applying a number of well known ground control points. In classical photogrammetry this task is solved with aerial triangulation (AT) for multiple images.
参考来源 - GPS/INS辅助航空摄影测量原理及应用研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress