... 可承受商业结构 ABS Affordable Business Structure ; ABS 可承受价 Affordable price 可承受的危险 tolerable risk ...
... Affordable price: 可承受价 Affordable price: 可蒙受价 Affordable Rental Price: 实惠租车价格 ...
Our affordable price 承受得起我们的价格
value at an affordable price 付得起价钱的价值感
tat an affordable price 以承受得起的价格
Most Affordable Price 最实惠价格
With Affordable Price 以实惠价格
At An Affordable Price 以低廉价格
The Most Affordable Price 最实惠价格
at affordable price 更便宜地
an affordable price 能被接受的价钱
Plans for the private network, called Govnet, hinge on whether a reliable network infrastructure can be built at an affordable price, officials said.
有关官员说,建立这个被称为 Govnet 的专用网络的计划,取决于能否以负担得起的价格建立可靠的网络基础设施。
With a fast network and a smartphone, anyone who has passed the identity (身份) check can be an online teacher, and anyone with an online account can buy "pay for knowledge" products that he or she wants at an affordable price.
Often your local town will offer a series of fitness classes at an affordable price.
So, if we want to get more magnesium into the marketplace at an affordable price, not by government edict, what do we have to do?