在大学研究之后 » After studying at the university 这种儿童产品何时上市? » This children's products when the market?
Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was seven – after his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.
奥巴马的父亲是肯尼亚人,母亲是美国人。 在奥巴马七岁那年,母亲与在夏威夷大学读书时结识的一个印尼人结婚,之后他们搬往印尼。
Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was seven -after his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.
Miss McLuskey, who studies product design at Edinburgh's Napier University, came up with the idea after studying aural impairments and methods of helping people hear better.