在收银台旁的柜子有BANANA BOAT的防晒Sunscreen(80),晒后修复(after sun),是绿色芦荟的。晒后修复要要涂的及时,上午活动好回房间冲洗后,涂好晒后修复休息下,晚上回来也先修复下再出去吃饭。
after sun cream 晒后润肤膏
After-sun Lotion 晒后液
After Sun Repair Mask 晒后修复发膜
ml After-sun Cooling Spray 晒后冰镇喷雾
After Sun Shampoo 晒后洗发露 ; 要用晒后香波
After-Sun Face Cream 晒后舒缓滋润面霜
After-Sun Treatment 晒后修护疗程
after sun conditioner 日晒后空调
N a moisturizing lotion applied to the skin to soothe sunburn and avoid peeling 晒后修复保湿液
N (as modifier) 晒后修复保湿的
aftersun lotion
There's money to be made after sun up.
The European Union began to investigate Microsoft in nineteen ninety-eight after Sun Microsystems accused the company of being anti-competitive.
在Sun Microsystems公司控告其垄断之后,欧盟从1998年开始调查微软。
The sun finally comes out after several rainy days, which lifts our spirits.