这次旅行给我留下了难忘的回忆 » The trip left me with unforgettable memories 回去之后 » After you go back to 我和爸爸一样,我们喜欢跳绳 » [object Object] ..
After you cut out those sections, you'll have to go back and revise the rest, to see how it all fits together.
Chances are if you wait until after you have kids to go back to school, you'll never do it.
After many years, when looking back to the past, you will not forget the time when you went go to great lengths striving for your dream.
They go back to this formula. If you sold it after five years, then there are twenty-five years left, so 25 x 12 is the number of months left; they plug that into this formula.
It's the one where you have to get three shots over a period of six months, and so you have to remember to go back, you get a first ba--you get a first shot, you have to remember to go back after a month and get a second shot, you have to go back after six months and get a third shot.