Aga Khan III 阿迦汗三世 ; 汗三世 ; 阿加汗III
Aga Khan Trust for Culture 阿加汗文化信托基金会 ; 阿加汗文化慈善机构
Aga Khan Award for Architecture 阿卡汗建筑奖 ; 阿卡汗奖 ; 阿迦汗建筑奖 ; 阿卡汉建筑奖
Aga Khan Mausoleum 阿嘎可汗王陵 ; 阿迦汗陵墓 ; 旅馆距离阿迦汗陵墓
Aga Khan Foundation 汗基金会 ; 阿加汗基金会
Aga Khan Museum 阿迦汗博物馆
Aga Khan University 巴基斯坦
Zahra Aga Khan 阿迦汗萨拉
N the hereditary title of the head of the Ismaili sect of Muslims 阿迦汗; 伊斯兰教伊斯玛仪派领袖的世袭封号
So he has asked the Aga Khan, a newspaper magnate in the region, to set up a feistier alternative in Kigali;
So he has asked the Aga Khan, a newspaper magnate in the region, to set up a feistier alternative in Kigali; he has yet to agree.
"Ismailis have a modernist outlook," said John Mock, a scholar of South Asia at the University of California at Santa Cruz. "the Aga Khan promotes modernism."
加州大学圣克鲁斯分校研究南亚的学者John Mock说:伊斯玛仪派有一套现代主义的观点,阿加汗主张现代主义。