... 农业技术站 agrotechnical station 农艺, 农业技术 agricultural technology 适当工业技术合作行动纲领 cooperative programme of action on appropriate industrial technology ...
agricultural technology extension 农业技术推广
Agricultural Technology Management 农业技术管理 ; 农业科技管理
serves of agricultural technology 农技服务 ; 如何解除劳动合同 ; 小拱棚 ; 嫩玉米常温贮藏保鲜四法
Agricultural Technology & Equipment 农业技术与装备 ; 机动喷雾机故障与排除方法 ; 重视无形资产积累打造农机推广品牌 ; 喷灌系统常见故障和排除
China Agricultural Technology Extension 中国农技推广 ; 加州旱作节水农业的启示 ; 农产品质量安全工作任重道远 ; 黄花菜烘干脱水机走红祁东大地
Agricultural Technology & Service 农业技术及服务
Agricultural Technology Management and Education 农业技术管理与教育
Agricultural Technology Diffusion 农业技术扩散
Modern agricultural technology system 现代农业产业技术体系
Agricultural technology extension and basic theory of government behavior.
参考来源 - 当代中国农业技术推广中的政府行为研究It is a time that Chinas agricultural technology develops outside when China enters WTO.
参考来源 - 黑龙江农业科技“走出去”发展的调查与思考It can be said that the developing process of agriculture as well agricultural technology in Jiangsu Province is the miniature of that of China.
参考来源 - 建国以来江苏农业技术发展与绩效研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Since 2010, the Chinese government has been organizing technology exchanges, training, field trips and other activities for the agricultural technology talents to better understand the situations of each area.
Simon Blackmore, who researches agricultural technology at Harper Adams University College in England believes that fleets of lightweight autonomous robots have the potential to solve this problem.
Simon Blackmore 在英国哈珀亚当斯大学研究农业技术,他认为轻型自主机器人有可能解决这个问题。
Increase the adoption of agricultural technology.