《水资源学教程》 Zuo QiTing 4.3农业用水 4.3.1农业用水的概念 农业用水(agricultural water use)是农、林、牧、 副、渔业等各部门和乡镇、农场企事业单位以及农村居民生 产用水的总称。 在农业用水中,灌溉用水占主要地位。
Agricultural Water Use Gradually 农业用水量逐渐
agricultural water use efficiency 农业高效用水
agricultural water use productivity 农业用水生产率
high efficient agricultural water use 农业高效用水
agricultural efficient water use 农业高效用水
agricultural water efficiency use 农业节水
agricultural use of water 农业用水
China agricultural water use and management are facing enormous challenges in the 21st century.
Agricultural water use in accordance with the quota management system, farmers in the upper limit of water consumption should be controlled "cap" of the line.
AQUASTAT Country Profiles describe the state of water resources and agricultural water use with special attention to the water resource, irrigation, and drainage sub-sectors.
A QUASTAT国家概况描述水资源和农业用水状况,特别注意水资源和排灌分部门。