许多人不愿意提生产管理科学,喜欢栽培学这个称谓,更喜欢称自己是栽培学家,不喜欢 农学家 ( Agronomist )这个称呼,似乎这样一来就抬高了自己。其实没有必要。
Senior Agronomist 高级农业师 ; 高级农艺师 ; 初级农业师
Assistant Agronomist 助理农业师 ; 助理农艺师
The Agronomist 农艺家
agriculturalist agronomist 农学家
C&E Agronomist 农业师
agronomist t 农学家 ; 农艺学家
Agronomist Trainee 农学培训生
C&E Senior Agronomist 高级农业师
N-COUNT An agronomist is someone who studies the growing and harvesting of crops. 农学家
In this instance, the farmers and agronomist are looking to specialized software to give them an accurate plant population count.
A group of corn farmers stands huddled around an agronomist and his computer on the side of an irrigation machine in central South Africa.
The agronomist is sure that he will obtain a near accurate count of plant population with his software.