另外港交所今年首次公开发行股(IPO)的数量激增,包括中国农业银行和友邦保险集团(AIA Group)。本年港交所 IPO 共募集了 455 亿美元(约 3,030 亿人民 币),在全球交易所中独占鳌头。
AIA Group Ltd 友邦保险集团 ; 友邦保险公司 ; 保险公司 ; 保险集团
AIA Group Limited 友邦保险集团 ; 友邦保险
The Aia Group 友邦保险集团
AIA group Overview 友邦保险集团概述
AIA group Performance in Asia 友邦保险集团荣誉
Chief Executive Officer Robert Benmosche, 66, also is divesting AIA Group Ltd. and American life insurance co., known as Alico, the non-U.S. life insurance divisions.
Chief Executive Officer Robert Benmosche, 66, also is divesting AIA Group Ltd. and American life insurance co., known as Alico, the non-U. S. life insurance divisions.
Mark Tucker, a former head of Prudential, a British insurer, was appointed the new boss of AIA, the Asian arm of American International Group.