中文名称:空心电抗器 英文名称:air-core reactor 定义1:电力系统中用于限制短路电流、无功补偿和移相等的电感性高压电器,磁通经空气形成回路,故称空心式电抗器。 所属学科:水利科技(一级学科);水力发电(二级学科
... 气冷式发动机 air-cooled engine 空心反映器 air-core reactor 空心变压器 air-core transformer ...
dry-type air core reactor 干式空心电抗器
dry-type air-core reactor 干式空心电抗器
dry type air-core reactor 干式空心电抗器
Dry-insulated air core reactor 干式
Air core-reactor 空心电抗器
air core reactor [电] 空心电抗器
dry air core reactor 干式空心电抗器
type air core reactor 式空心电抗器
shunt air-core reactor 空心并联电抗器
It is the crucial task of this program that develops computer-aided design system for air-core reactor.
参考来源 - 空心电力电抗器设计计算相关问题及计算机辅助设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
With the parameters of a real dry-type air-core reactor, the emulation analysis verifies that the impulse-voltage method is suitable to test its turn-to-turn insulation.
For the requirements of air-core reactor's rapid detection, this article has designed air core reactor inner surface of the rapid detecting instrument's drive system and control system.
Based on the parameter calculation of the air core reactor, this paper presents a pulse voltage resonance method to detect turn to turn insulation defects in air core reactors.