空气传导(air conduction):正常情况下,空气传导是声波经外耳道→鼓膜→中耳→ 内耳的主要途径,即经过外耳的空气振动继而引起中耳结构(主要是鼓膜和听骨...
气导(air conduction):声音在空气中经过外耳、中耳传到内耳的过程 骨导(bone conduction):声音激发颅骨的机械振动将声音传到内耳的过程。
气传导( ):主要途径 气传导(air conduction):主要途径 ): 声波→外耳道、鼓膜、听骨链、卵圆窗→ 声波→外耳道、鼓膜、听骨链、卵圆窗→耳蜗 鼓室→圆窗 骨传导( 骨传导(...
air conduction hearing aid 空气传导助听器
air conduction passage 气传导途径
air conduction tests 释义气导试验
air conduction curve 气导曲线
air conduction microphone 气导传声器
air conduction hearing loss 释义气导听力损失
The two groups were comparable in the air conduction (AC) and air bone gap (ABG) values , and had no difference statistically.
It also differs from conventional hearing AIDS, which employ air conduction to simply turn up the volume of sound travelling into the ear.
The refrigerant compressor is designed according to the structure of traditional air condition. The humidity air would be induced by air conduction machine and transform to water for human.
压缩机冷凝器是采用传统的空调机结构而设计使用,由空气引流器引流来的湿 度空气经压缩机冷凝器的冷热交换工作原理、将湿度空气转化为水供人们使用。