... aggregate elevator 斗式集料提升机 air elevator 气动升运器; 气流升运机; 气流升运输送机 aircraft elevator 飞机升降舵; 飞机升降机; 飞机升降装置 ...
air lift rod transfer elevator 气动抽油杆运移吊卡
air cushion marine elevator 气垫浮升坞
air lift rod alteration elevator 气动抽油杆运移吊卡
mail air-bag elevator [邮] 气袋式邮件升运机
air conditioner for elevator 电梯空调器
Elevator Car Air Ozone Sterilizing 电梯轿厢空气臭氧杀菌消毒除味机
We leave through the steel doors and head up the ten-story elevator, past the retinal scanner, and through glass Chambers with sliding doors that seem like air locks on a spaceship.
The change in air pressure associated with a sonic boom is only a few pounds per square foot — about the same pressure change experienced riding an elevator down two or three floors.
It also cites an elevator, pipes in the floors for radiant heating, chillers for air-conditioning, new Windows and not much else.