... AO Air Operwithed 气动的 AOC Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器 AOC Automwithic Overload Control 进口切削液主动超载节制 ...
AOC Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器 ; 机油
AOC C Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器
air-tube oil cooler 气管式滑油冷却器
air-to-oil cooler 空气冷却式冷油器
ACOC Air Cooled Oil Cooler 气冷式滑油冷却器 ; 风冷式滑油冷却器 ; 空气滑油冷却器
air cooled oil cooler 风冷式滑油冷却器
oil cooler air duct 滑油散热器空气导管
air-cooled oil cooler 气冷式滑油散热器
The first row of test module was charge air cooler(CAC) and hydraulic oil cooler(HOC), the second row was radiator, and the third is transmission oil cooler(TOC).
Air cooler and oil cooler shall be made of red copper, albata seamless tube or other corrosion prevention tubing.
The result showed that the said corrosion inhibitor could effectively inhibit and retard the corrosion of the air cooler and pipes which caused by the high-sulfur content of the oil.