...全国涂料工业信息中心消息,随着消费者环保意识的增强,环境友好型涂料、油墨和胶粘剂的需求日益增加。空气产品公司(Air Products)作为水性体系高性能特种添加剂的全球供应商,近期在中国市场推出两款全新的有机硅高效润湿剂和一款全新的消泡剂,以帮助配方师适...
空气化工产品公司(Air Products)是世界上惟一的同时生产气体产品和化学品的公司,其产品包括工业气体产品、工艺和特种气体产品、特性材料,以及化学中间体产品。
而根据此次达成新协议,道康宁仍将继续与空气化工产品公司的供货协议,以空气化工(Air Products)和Dabco品牌为客户提供优质产品,同时,道康宁将开始直接为该行业客户供应所有道康宁品牌产品及技术服务。
Air Products and Chemicals 空气化工产品公司 ; 空气化工产品 ; 空气化工产品有限公司
Air Products & Chemicals 空气化工产品公司 ; 空气化工产品 ; 空气产品和化学品
Air Products & Chemical 空气化工产品有限公司
Air Products Polymers 聚合物 ; 空气产品聚合物公司
Air Products Chemicals INC 空气化工产品公司
Air Products and Chemicals Inc 空气产品公司 ; 产品和化学品公司 ; 美国空气化工产品有限公司
Air Products claims that worldwide production of nitrogen trifluoride has reached 7, 300 metric tons.
In a market like India, OTAs have heavily focused on air products but over the last couple of years, such intermediaries have been trying to work on their hotel inventory and booking platforms.
A number of products have been developed which are permeable to air and water.
Chemical sprays like air fresheners,hair spray, household cleaning products and even strong perfumes can also trigger an asthma attack.
VOA: special.2009.07.28
Chemical sprays like air fresheners, hair spray,cleaning products and even strong beauty aids can trigger an asthma attack.
VOA: special.2010.09.07