extraneous air separator 外部空气离析器
auxiliary air separator 辅助分离器 ; 辅助分别器
whirlwind air separator 旋风式气选机
air separator mill 吹离磨 ; 带空气选粉机的磨机 ; 吹气分离磨
centrifugal air separator 离心空气除尘器 ; 离心式选粉机
air separator tube 空气分离器管子
cyclone air separator 旋风式空气选粉机
fuel-air separator cartridge 油气分离器滤芯
Particles in the compressed air separator is expected to capture the solid pollutants device.
This article does the research on the oil-air separator used in the submarine using FLUENT, the business software of CFD.
Water-air separator or condensation filter design must satisfy the compressed air flow and pressure condition requirements.