alcohol-dependent sleep disorder 酒精依赖性睡眠障碍
alcohol dependent 酒精依赖者
alcohol-dependent sleedisorder 酒精依赖性睡眠障碍
“Henry, ” an alcohol-dependent homeless man in East Harlem, continually rebuffed efforts by Yu's outreach team to help him.
“Henry”,是患有酒精依赖的流浪者,在东哈莱姆区活动。 他不断拒绝Yu外展团队想要帮助他的努力。
It doesn't matter what kind of alcohol someone drinks or even how much: alcohol-dependent people are often unable to stop drinking once they start.
Of those who were alcohol-dependent in the year before the study, only 12.1 percent received treatment during that time, the researchers found.