Introduction to Algorithms 算法导论 ; 算法导论第三版 ; 算法导言 ; 中文版
Genetic Algorithms 遗传算法 ; 遗传演算法 ; 柔性分析模型 ; 基因演算法
wear leveling algorithms 均读写演算法 ; 读写算法 ; 支持均匀读写演算法
Randomized Algorithms 随机化算法
Greedy algorithms 贪婪算法 ; 贪心算法
Distributed Algorithms 分布式算法 ; 分散式演算法
parallel algorithms 并行算法 ; 演算法
Approximation algorithms 近似算法 ; 第三十五章 ; 近似算法英文版 ; 近似演算法
Quantum algorithms 量子算法
It also analyzes the complexity of the algorithms.
参考来源 - SIMO信道中信噪比估计算法分析与仿真Chapter 3 presents the algorithms of encode and decode.
参考来源 - MPEG·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-COUNT An algorithm is a series of mathematical steps, especially in a computer program, which will give you the answer to a particular kind of problem or question. (尤指计算机程序中的)演算法
Algorithms process the data, adapting and learning based on the data received.
It is not enough to say that the algorithms DeepMind develops will benefit patients and save lives.
I was hoping to say "journalist", but researchers are already developing algorithms that can gather facts and write a news story.
The idea behind all these algorithms is that what's ultimately important is how many comparisons you ultimately need to make.
So now that we begin to have this ability to express strings in memory, to understand what they are, we can start to apply actually real-world algorithms to them.
So in fact, over the next thirty or forty minutes we're going to show you a set of examples of sort of canonical algorithms, and the different classes of complexity.