aliquot sequence 真因子和数列 ; 真因子和列
aliquot part [数] 整除部分 ; [矿业] 代表性试样
Aliquot System 共鸣弦系统
aliquot portion 整分部分 ; 等分部分
aliquot multiple [数] 整除因子
aliquot parts 整除因子
aliquot tuning [声] 共振调音
Triple Aliquot Duplex Scale 三重和音构造
aliquot divisor 整除除数
"4 is an aliquot part of 12"
同义词: aliquot part
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ of, signifying, or relating to an exact divisor of a quantity or number 能整除的 [maths] → compare aliquant
3 is an aliquot part of 12
N an aliquot part 整除数
The aliquot of proteins was subjected to SDS-PAGE, followed by Western blot analysis in which individual sera were tested for primary antibody.
While stirring this concentrated suspension, a small aliquot is removed and transferred to the optical measurement cell containing the blank dispersing medium.
Because of the paucity of well bleached sediments at Paleolithic sites in China, single-aliquot protocols are believed to be the best choice to establish a luminescence-based temporal framework.