摘要:中文名称:最大载荷 英文名称:all-up-weight 定义:零件能安全使用所允许的最大载荷 [阅读全文] 编辑:0次| 浏览:168次 世界 最大轴承制造商瑞典SKF拟在华建新厂 词条创建者: jimmyb
all-up weight 总重量 ; 空中总重量 ; 满载重量 ; 总重满载重量
all up weight 总重 ; 总重最大重量 ; 最大重量 ; 总重量
AUW All-up Weight 全重 ; 空中总重
aircraft all-up weight 飞机之飞行总重量
maximum all-up weight 最大起气全重
At first, I just wanted to lose weight and tone up - I was soft all over.
All my life I felt like I couldn't live up to the conventional standard of beauty, with its constantly changing rules and ever stricter weight requirements.
And if you start gaining weight with friends, you are all more likely to end up hilariously overweight sooner.