... aligner feeder 整列进料机 all feeds 各种饲料 alternate wire-feed system (焊接用语) 变速送丝方法 ...
With the former approach, the feed servlet must understand the query string format, so the first approach cannot be used on all feeds.
使用前一方法时,Feed Servlet必须理解查询字符串格式,因此不能将第一个方法用于所有Feed。
Because you assign the output of the entire for loop to the variable, the effect is that you place a list of the quasi-RSS item XML into the variable for all feeds.
因为要将整个for循环的输出指定给变量,所以结果就变成您将准rss项x ML放置在用于所有提要的变量中。
After reinstalling NewsRack to clear out all feeds and use the default Settings (with images turned off), an initial download of the 100 most recent articles in each feed took 8mb.
重装newsrack,清除所有的feeds,选择默认的设置(不能下载图片),一个feed的100多篇文章的首次下载需要8 MB。
So there's Reuters that does all the news feeds.