abstract:All I Desire is a 1953 drama film directed by Douglas Sirk, starring Barbara Stanwyck as an actress who returns to visit her husband and children after having run off with another man years before. It is based on the novel Stopover by Carol Ryrie Brink.
"But then there are many pieces of information, material, literature I see to which I don't subscribe to all the views, and I don't have a great desire to ban people who hold views different from mine, " he added.
And there are other people, I think, who are disappointed because I think there was, you know, desire to see the all-time home-run record be untainted, you know.
Granted, crimes committed against women in the military, the inhuman behavior of someone like Mike Rice at Rutgers, and the reprehensible behavior of some who lead organizations are not the same, but I have to wonder if they all have the same genesis a desire to win at all costs, along with an incredible sense of entitlement and selfishness.