运行库检测工具(All in One Runtime),系统优化多国语言[中文],Vista, WinXP, win7,All,in,One,Runtime,是款来自国外的常用运行库检测工具,它会自动检测你系统中缺...
I prefer specification of the runtime behavior of a class within the class itself, keeping all the information about a class in one place.
We recommend "all" as the type of package: emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-2.0.1.zip, so that you get source, runtime and docs all in one file.
打包类型建议选择“All”: emf - sdo - xsd - SDK - 2.0.1 . zip,这样,就可以在一个文件中找到源代码、运行文件和文档。