中国国际全印展(All in Print)是每三年举办一次的国内重要印刷展会。第四届全印展将于2011年11月14-17日在上海新国际博览中心举行,为给供需双方提供一个交流与...
... albumen print 蛋白版制版法印像; 蛋白相片,以蛋白相纸放成的作品; 蛋白照片; 以蛋白相纸放成的作品 all in print 第二届中国国际全印展 all print 全印刷电路; 全印制电路 ...
...会 10月18日 第二十四届媒体技术融合研讨会(ICTC) 10月18日 2016中国国际全印展&中国国际印刷技术及设备器材展(All in print 2016) 作为享誉光电子行业18年的知名展会——中国国际光电博览会(CIOE)终于在万众期待中盛大开幕,凌云光技术集团作为深耕中国...
I think it's best if I give you my husband's email—he's sitting in front of a computer all day so he can print stuff off and get it back to you sooner than I could.
One option is to provide enough overhead in all situations to print a few lines of debugging before crashing, but this may not be practical.
So here is a list of those published by staff at The Economist Group, and by freelance writers, during 2006. The list will be kept up to date here (which also has details of all staff books in print).
The licensing agent reads the book and determines whether or not to print it at all or license it to appear in print.
We have to realize that people don't read all the fine print and don't understand -if you have a precisely written contract in legal language, maybe they don't get it.