2、异基因(Allogeneic): 非同卵双胎, 人类白细胞抗原(HLA)相合,来自患 者的兄弟姐妹,无关供髓者,脐带血。 3、自体(Autologous):自体解救措施。
allogene deposit 异地沉积
allogene fold 异地褶皱
allogene detail 隐性基因
allogene ic bone 同种异体骨
allogene stem cell 异基因干细胞
deep water allogene deposit 深水异地沉积
deep water allogene deposits 深水异地沉积
double allogene nuclear sterile 双隐性核不育
allogene haemopoietic stem cell 异基因造血干细胞
Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogene MHC antigen might induce specific immune tolerance to sciatic nerve allografts in mice.
ObjectiveTo investigate the immune tolerance function and significance of allogene bone marrow injection to the small intestines transplantation of rats.