Ethy Allophanate 脲基甲酸乙酯
allophanate hydrolase 脲基甲酸水解酶
Ethyl Allophanate 脲基甲酸乙酯 ; 脲甲酸乙酯 ; 阿洛酚酸乙酯
n-Butyl allophanate 脲基甲酸正丁酯
allophanate modified polyisocyanate 脲基甲酸酯改性多异氰酸酯
n-Butyl-allophanate 正丁基脲基甲酸酯
It will then go on to react with the urethane links to form a structure known as an allophanate (see Reaction 4.13).
The presence of allophanate crosslinks can be proved by the highest molecular weight of 20 series copolymers, followed by 40 (in Table 2).