镀锡板耐蚀性研究及进展 关键词:镀锡板;合金层;耐蚀性 [gap=231]Key words:Tinplate;Alloy layer;Corrosion resistance
alloy layer depth 合金层深度
Alloy layer hardness 合金层硬度
Phase-change metal alloy layer 合金属 ; 合金层
ni alloy layer ni合金层
hase-change metal alloy layer 资料记录在相变合金属
Sn-Fe alloy layer SnFe合金层
cast-penetrated alloy layer 铸渗合金层
2 alloy layer 锡铁合金层
The mathematical models of influences of various process factors on cast-penetrated alloy layer were created.
Galfan wire, galvanized low carbon steel wire is 5% aluminum alloy, the alloy composition mixed trace rare earth zinc alloy layer.
The results show that there is an obvious bright intermediate belt between cladding alloy layer and the body, forming good metallurgic bonding.