...rden )概念最早兴起于 18 世纪的欧洲,当时在文艺复兴的思想潮流影响下,人们开始崇尚自然之美,由于高山植物( alpine plants )的花色艳丽、四季更替,配合着粗糙古朴的石块,呈现出别具一格的视觉效果,具有极高的观赏价值,所以园艺师开始引种高山植物,...
) 种species 变种variety 莲花,荷花lotus 梅花 plumblos 高山植被 alpine plant 花卉 flowering plant ..
alpine plant formation 高山植物群系
Alpine Plant Extracts 瑞士高山植物精华火绒草
alpine plant roots 高山植物根
alpine e plant 高山植物
alpine meadow plant 高寒草甸植物
alpine snowline plant 高山雪线植物
Alpine meadow plant community 高寒草甸植物群落
The eastern Himalayan alpine meadows have more varieties of plant than anywhere in Asia except the rainforests of Borneo.
The efficiency of energy conversion of PAR is 0.58% more or less in plant community of Haibei alpine meadow area.
同时计算表明,海北高寒草甸地区植物群落对PAR的光能利用率为0 .5 8%左右。
VOEST ALPINE STAHL DONAWITZ GmbH will upgrade the existing LD plant in Donawitz, Austria to a high capacity compact LD plant for the production of highest quality steel grades.
奥钢联多纳维茨钢厂将把现有的转炉炼钢厂改造成紧凑型转炉炼钢厂 ,从而以更大生产能力生产更高质量水平的产品。