Althea Gibson 吉布森 ; 网球选手
Althea Housley 女嫌犯郝斯丽 ; 浩丝莉 ; 女友郝斯丽
Althea root 蜀葵根 ; 蜀葵属植物茎
Althea Rooms 奥尔瑟雅酒店
Villa Althea 木槿花别墅
Althea Hotel 木槿花酒店 ; 干尼亚
Althea Inn 木槿花酒店
N any Eurasian plant of the malvaceous genus Althaea, such as the hollyhock, having tall spikes of showy white, yellow, or red flowers 蜀葵属
No matter what accomplishments you achieve, somebody helps you---Althea Gibson, American sportswoman.
American athlete Althea Gibson returns to Germany's Edda Buding in the first round of Wimbledon on June 26, 1956.
Morris’s father and mother, John and Althea Orcutt, were happily retired in Maine, where John painted and played clarinet in a community band.
莫里斯的父母约翰•奥克特John Orcutt和 奥尔瑟•奥克特Althea Orcutt在缅因州愉快地退休了。 约翰先生在当地一家社区乐队吹奏自己漆的单簧管。