alveolar arch [解剖] 牙槽弓 ; 与此相似的有齿槽弓 ; 牙颁弓
alveolar arch of maxilla 上颌牙槽弓
alveolar arch width 牙槽弓宽度
alveolar arch maxilla 上颌牙槽弓
Alveolar arch mandible 释义下颌骨牙槽弓
Upper alveolar arch width 上颌牙槽弓宽度
alveolar arch of mandible 下颌骨牙槽弓
alveolar r arch 牙槽弓
Objective: To investigate the effects of tooth extraction on dental arch width and alveolar bone width.
Conclusion: We use L as arch length and H as chord length to bend syringe needle that is used to posterior superior alveolar nerve block anesthesia by intraoral injection. The success rate is 98%.
Results: After treatment, in maxilla the arch width and alveolar bone width between canines were in creased(P<0.01), those were decreased between second premolars(P<0.01 ).
结果:上颌矫治后尖牙间牙弓宽度和基骨宽度明显增加(P< 0 .0 1) ,前磨牙间牙弓宽度和基骨宽度明显减小(P< 0 .0 1)。