The Kindle Fire (internal code name: Otter) is designed to ensure that even more of those purchases go to Amazon.
DC says it took two years of work with Amazon to complete the process of converting the comics into something that could be read and appreciated on the Kindle Fire.
DC称为了将动漫转换为可在Kindle Fire阅读器上阅读并鉴赏的内容,他们与亚马逊合作了两年时间才完成整个过程。
Fiona Dias, ShopRunner's chief strategy officer, says that by locking in a new wave of customers with the Kindle Fire, Amazon will make their jobs even harder.
ShopRunner首席战略官菲奥娜·迪亚斯表示,亚马逊可以借助Kindle Fire锁定一批新用户,使得他们的工作更加难以展开。