Google提议和解2005年的一宗官司,当时美国作家协会(Authors Guild)与美国出版商协会(American Association of Publishers)控告Google侵害著作权,而Google则主张有权在网络上显示书籍的信息,特别是仍受着著权保护、但无主(orphan)的著作物,像是绝版书...
2005年时,美国作家协会(Authors Guild)和美国发行商协会(American Association of Publishers)对谷歌提起诉讼,要..
Association of American Publishers 美国出版商协会 ; 美国出版协会 ; 美国出版家协会 ; 出版协会
AAP Association of American Publishers 美国出版商协会
american association of book publishers 美国图书出版商协会
Just a year earlier hardbacks had been worth more than three times as much as e-books, according to the Association of American Publishers. Amazon now sells more copies of e-books than paper books.
E-book sales totaled $90.3 million in February, up 202% compared to the same month a year earlier, according to a study from the Association of American Publishers.
The Association of American Publishers' latest data reports that e-book sales grew 163 percent in the month of May and 207 percent year-to-date through May.