我一天比一天的爱每一天我都爱你多一点你 » I love you more every day 同等量的时间 » An equal amount of time 考虑下 » Under consideration ..
The whole notion of being more productive is doing more things in an equal amount of time.
So, if each runnable task runs its sched_slice worth of time, it has spent sched_period time, and each task will have run an equal amount of time proportional to its weight.
因此,如果每个可运行任务运行与sched_slice等价的时间,那么将花费的时间为sched _ period,每个任务将运行与其权重成比例的时间量。
Unlimited time and limited time afford an equal amount of pleasure, if we measure the limits of that pleasure by reason.