...),铁足是对丹恩二世的称呼,就像索林的称呼是“橡木盾”(Oakenshield)一样) III2941年,意外之旅(An Unexpected Journey):甘道夫担心索隆与史矛革联手,南北呼应,于是打算帮助索林夺回孤山。
The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey 意外旅程 ; 哈比人 ; 意外之旅 ; 霍比特人
The Hobbit-An Unexpected Journey 霍比特人之意外之旅
Being a mother is simply the greatest achievement of my life. It has taken me on an unexpected journey that can constantly surprise, educate and confuse me!
Swiss scientist Albert Hofmann took an unexpected journey of the mind in April 1943 when he accidentally absorbed one of his chemical discoveries, lysergic acid diethylamide, through his fingertips.
AN UNEXPECTED benefit of the recession for those lucky enough to keep their jobs may be a less crowded journey to work.