... 厌氧发酵法 unareobic fermentation 厌氧发酵过程 anaerobic fermentation process 不需氧发酵 anaerobic fermentation ...
The feces discharged by large scale pig farm were sold and used by themselves as organic fertilizer, and the waste water treated by traditional anaerobic fermentation process.
The sizing anaerobic fermentation process secondary pollution and merchandise of fertilizer etc of municipal refuse in the anaerobic digestion process are specifically analyzed.
针对厌氧消化过程中有关城市垃圾的分选、 厌氧发酵工艺、 二次污染以及肥料的商品化等问题做了具体的分析。
The syntrophic acetogenesis coupled with homoacetogenesis process was used to produce acetate from municipal sludge by anaerobic fermentation.