数字人生_新浪博客 S^2 ~ F(n1-1,n2-1) ,显著水平一般为0.05,0.01,原假设H0:方差相等。 方差分析(Anaylsis of Variance, ANOVA)要求各组方差整齐,不过一般认为,如果各组人数相若,就算未能通过方差整齐检验,问题也不大。 One
robust analysis of variance robust方差分析
unweighted analysis of variance 不加权方差 ; 不加权方差分析
multivariate analysis of variance [统计] 多元方差分析 ; 多变量方差分析
an analysis of variance 经方差分析
Analysis of Variance ANOVA 方差分析
analysis of variance model [数] 方差分析模型
analysis of variance table [数] 方差分析表
nested-analysis of variance 方差套合分析
Results analysis of variance.
参考来源 - 糖尿病对慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺功能血气分析的影响The difference among groups and in groups were discussed by coefficient of variation and analysis of variance.
参考来源 - 毛乌素沙地天然臭柏种群的表型变异·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N any of a number of techniques for resolving the observed variance between sets of data into components, esp to determine whether the difference between two samples is explicable as random sampling variation with the same underlying population 方差分析 ( abbr: ANOVA) [statistics]