...Sifiso Cele 周一(5月7日)早上,非洲人国民大会(ANC)的一名积极分子在夸祖鲁-纳塔尔南部海岸被枪杀,而且他的妻子和孩子就在跟前。
移植后血小板减少定义移植后连续3 d中性粒细胞绝对值(ANC)0_5 x1〇9几,连续7(1血小板(拖)20)70 g/L(无血制品支持)即定义为造血功能重建通常在移植后2-3周达到8〇年代国外即有PGF的概念[3]...
Beats Pure ANC 完全自适应消噪 ; 自适应消噪 ; 自适应降噪
BJ-ANC 预报系统
ANC AnswerChargeSignal 应答计费信号
Entr anc e-exit 出入口
ANC AbnormalNetworkCause 异常网路原因
ANC-J-JR 点胶加热器
PEI ANC 新爱岛人协会 ; 新移民协会
ANC-OT 网络编码
以上来源于: WordNet
ABBREVIATION for African National Congress 南非非洲人国民大会
The ANC announced it was mounting a major campaign of mass political protests.
Inkatha and the ANC have blamed each other for the violence which took place as thousands of Inkatha supporters marched through the city to demand the creation of a sovereign Zulu kingdom.
The ANC is about to launch a nationwide recruitment drive.
ANC Secretary-General Gwede Mantashe Wednesday announced that the party's senior leaders had urged members to stop singing the song.
VOA: standard.2010.04.08
African National Congress Youth Wing Leader Julius Malema said he would accept a request by the ANC leadership to stop singing,"Shoot the Boer."
VOA: standard.2010.04.08
The ANC says it will appeal the ruling. The party says there is no direct link between the song and the Terre'Blanche murder.
VOA: standard.2010.04.05